Publish-WebApplicationWebSite (Windows PowerShell script)


This article applies to Azure Cloud Services (classic), which is now deprecated for new customers and will be retired on August 31, 2024. Existing services built with this technology are still supported through Azure Cloud Services (extended support). For new development, we recommend that you use a newer service type designed for your specific purpose, such as Azure App Service, Azure Functions, or Azure Container Apps. For the latest list of available services, see Directory of Azure products.


Publishes a web project to an Azure website. The script creates the required resources in your Azure subscription if they don't exist.

–Configuration <configuration>
-SubscriptionName <subscriptionName>
-WebDeployPackage <packageName>
-DatabaseServerPassword @{Name = "name"; Password = "password"}


The path to the JSON configuration file that describes the details of the deployment.

Parameter Default value
Aliases none
Required? true
Position named
Default value none
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


The name of the Azure subscription that you want to create the website in.

Parameter Default value
Aliases none
Required? false
Position named
Default value none
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


The path to the web deployment package to publish to the website. You can create this package by using the Publish Web wizard in Visual Studio. For more information, see Get started with Azure Cloud Services and ASP.NET.

Parameter Default value
Aliases none
Required? false
Position named
Default value none
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


The username and password for the SQL database in Azure.

Parameter Default value
Aliases none
Required? false
Position named
Default value none
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


If true, print messages from the script to the output stream.

Parameter Default value
Aliases none
Required? false
Position named
Default value false
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


For a complete explanation of how to use the script to create Dev and Test environments, see Using Windows PowerShell Scripts to Publish to Dev and Test Environments.

The JSON configuration file specifies the details of what is to be deployed. It includes the information that you specified when you created the project, such as the name and username for the website. It also includes the database to provision, if any. The following code shows an example JSON configuration file:

    "environmentSettings": {
        "webSite": {
            "name": "WebApplication10554",
            "location": "West US"
        "databases": [
                "connectionStringName": "DefaultConnection",
                "databaseName": "WebApplication10554_db",
                "serverName": "iss00brc88",
                "user": "sqluser2",
                "password": "",
                "edition": "",
                "size": "",
                "collation": "",
                "location": "West US"

You can edit the JSON configuration file to change what is deployed. A webSite section is required, but the database section is optional.

For more information, see Publish-WebApplicationVM (Windows PowerShell script).