IPrintAsyncNotifyDataObject::ReleaseData method (prnasnot.h)

Releases the memory used by the data encapsulated in IPrintAsyncNotifyDataObject.


HRESULT ReleaseData();

Return value

See PrintAsyncNotifyError for the possible values.

For more information about COM error codes, see Error Handling.


Listening applications must call this method when they have finished consuming the notification data.

The IPrintAsyncNotifyDataObject interface must be implemented in a way that ensures that a call of IUnknown::Release does not free the object if a listening application has not finished consuming the object's data. Accordingly, if a call to Release occurs when an application has called AcquireData but has not yet called ReleaseData, then the object must not be freed. For this reason, we recommend that AcquireData use IUnknown::AddRef to increment the object's reference count, and that ReleaseData decrement the count.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header prnasnot.h
DLL Prnasnot.dll

See also

Asynchronous Printing Notification Interfaces

