
Modifies the properties of an existing Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job.


   [-BitsJob] <BitsJob[]>
   [-DisplayName <String>]
   [-Priority <String>]
   [-Description <String>]
   [-ProxyAuthentication <String>]
   [-RetryInterval <Int32>]
   [-RetryTimeout <Int32>]
   [-TransferPolicy <CostStates>]
   [-UseStoredCredential <AuthenticationTargetValue>]
   [-Credential <PSCredential>]
   [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>]
   [-Authentication <String>]
   [-ProxyUsage <String>]
   [-ProxyList <Uri[]>]
   [-ProxyBypass <String[]>]


The Set-BitsTransfer cmdlet modifies the properties of an existing BITS transfer job. You can specify the job that you want to modify in the BitsJob parameter. Or, you can specify the job by passing it through the pipeline.



PS C:\>$b = Get-BitsTransfer -JobId 10778CFA-C1D7-4A82-8A9D-80B19224879C
PS C:\>Set-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $b -Priority High

This command modifies the priority of an existing BITS transfer job.

The first command retrieves the BITS transfer job specified by the JobId parameter and then stores it in the $b variable.

The second command uses the BitsJob parameter to pass the BitsJob object stored in the $b variable to the Set-BitsTransfer parameter. The Priority parameter is used to set the priority of the BITS transfer job to High.


PS C:\>Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers -Name *Microsoft* | Set-BitsTransfer -SetOwnerToCurrentUser

This command makes the current user the owner of a set of existing BITS transfer jobs.

The output of the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet is a set of BitsJob objects whose display name contains "Microsoft". This output is passed to the Set-BitsTransfer cmdlet through the pipeline. The SetOwnerToCurrentUser parameter specifies that the owner of each BITS transfer job is the current user.


PS C:\>$b = Get-BitsTransfer -JobId 10778CFA-C1D7-4A82-8A9D-80B19224879C
PS C:\>$c = Get-Credential
PS C:\>Set-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $b -ProxyUsage AutoDetect -ProxyAuthentication $c

This command changes the proxy settings of an existing BITS transfer job.

The first command retrieves the BITS transfer job identified by the JobId parameter and then stores it in the $b variable.

The second command retrieves credentials from the user and then stores them in the $c variable.

The third command uses the BitsJob parameter to pass the BitsJob object stored in the $b variable to the Set-BitsTransfer cmdlet. It uses the ProxyAuthentication parameter to pass the PSCredential object stored in the $c parameter. The ProxyUsage parameter allows the BITS transfer job to automatically discover the Web proxy server by using the Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD) protocol. The supplied set of credentials is used to authenticate the user at the proxy server.


PS C:\>Get-BitsTransfer | Set-BitsTransfer -ProxyUsage Override -ProxyList http://proxy1,http://proxy2:81 -ProxyBypass http://directconnect

This command changes the proxy settings of an existing BITS transfer job.

The output of the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet is the set of BitsJob objects that are owned by the current user. This output is piped to the Set-BitsTransfer cmdlet. The Override value that is specified in the ProxyUsage parameter indicates that an explicit list of proxy server and bypassed host names will be provided.

The ProxyList parameter specifies two proxy servers. The first server in the list (http://proxy1) is used. If that connection fails, the command tries the connection by using the second server in the list (http://proxy2:81). If both connections fail, the job fails.

When a list of host names is specified in the ProxyBypass parameter, the connection that is made is a direct connection that does not use a proxy server. In this example, no proxy server is used to add a file to the BITS transfer queue on the "directconnect" server.



Specifies the authentication mechanism to be used at the server. Possible values are:

  • Basic: Basic is a scheme in which the user name and password are sent in clear text to the server or proxy.

  • Digest: Digest is a challenge-response scheme that uses a server-specified data string for the challenge.

  • NTLM: NTLM is a challenge-response scheme that uses the credentials of the user for authentication in a Windows-based network environment.

  • Negotiate (the default): Negotiate is a challenge-response scheme that negotiates with the server or proxy to determine which scheme to use for authentication. For example, this parameter value allows negotiation to determine whether the Kerberos protocol or NTLM is used.

  • Passport: Passport is a centralized authentication service provided by Microsoft that offers a single logon for member sites.

Default value:Negotiate
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the BITS transfer jobs on which to set properties. You can pipe a value to this parameter from other cmdlets that return BitsJob objects, such as Get-BitsTransfer.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the credentials to use to authenticate the user at the server. The default is the current user. Type a user name, such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or "". Or, use the Get-Credential cmdlet to create the value for this parameter. When you type a user name, you will be prompted for a password.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Describes the BITS transfer job. The description is limited to 1,024 characters.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a display name for the BITS transfer job. The display name provides a user-friendly way to differentiate BITS transfer jobs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Sets the priority of the BITS transfer job, which affects bandwidth usage. You can specify the following values:

  • Foreground (default): Transfers the job in the foreground. Foreground transfers compete for network bandwidth with other applications, which can impede the user's overall network experience. However, if the Start-BitsTransfer command is being used interactively, this is likely the best option. This is the highest priority level.

  • High: Transfers the job in the background with a high priority. Background transfers use the idle network bandwidth of the client computer to transfer files.

  • Normal: Transfers the job in the background with a normal priority. Background transfers use the idle network bandwidth of the client computer to transfer files.

  • Low: Transfers the job in the background with a low priority. Background transfers use the idle network bandwidth of the client to transfer files. This is the lowest background priority level.

Default value:Normal
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the authentication mechanism to use at the Web proxy. Possible values are:

  • Basic: Basic is a scheme in which the user name and password are sent in clear text to the server or proxy.

  • Digest: Digest is a challenge-response scheme that uses a server-specified data string for the challenge.

  • NTLM: NTLM is a challenge-response scheme that uses the credentials of the user for authentication in a Windows-based network environment.

  • Negotiate (the default): Negotiate is a challenge-response scheme that negotiates with the server or proxy to determine which scheme to use for authentication. For example, this parameter value allows negotiation to determine whether the Kerberos protocol or NTLM is used.

  • Passport: Passport is a centralized authentication service provided by Microsoft that offers a single logon for member sites.

Default value:Negotiate
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of host names to use for a direct connection. The hosts in the list are tried in order until a successful connection is achieved. Specifying this parameter bypasses the proxy. If this parameter is used, the ProxyUsage parameter must be set to Override; otherwise, an error occurs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the credentials to use to authenticate the user at the proxy. You can use the Get-Credential cmdlet to create a value for this parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of proxies to use. The proxies in the list are tried in order until a successful connection is achieved. If this parameter is specified and ProxyUsage is set to a value other than Override, an error occurs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the proxy usage settings. Possible values are:

  • SystemDefault (the default): Use the system default proxy settings.

  • NoProxy: Do not use a proxy to transfer the files. Use this option when you transfer files within a local area network (LAN).

  • AutoDetect: Automatically detect proxy settings. BITS detects proxy settings for each file in the job.

  • Override: Specify the proxies or servers to use. If the ProxyList parameter is also specified, the proxies in that list are used. If the ProxyBypass parameter is also specified, the servers in that list are used. In both cases, the first member of the list is used. If the first member is unreachable, the subsequent members are tried until a member is contacted successfully.

Default value:SystemDefault
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the minimum length of time, in seconds, that BITS waits before trying to transfer the file after BITS encounters a transient error. The minimum allowed value is 60 seconds. If this value exceeds the RetryTimeout value from the BitsJob object, BITS will not retry the transfer. Instead, BITS sets the state of the BITS transfer job to the Error state.

The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Default value:600
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that BITS tries to transfer the file after the first transient error occurs. Setting the retry period to 0 prevents retries. If the retry period value exceeds the JobInactivityTimeout Group Policy setting (90-day default), BITS cancels the job.

The default value is 1,209,600 seconds (14 days).

Default value:1209600
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Sets the owner of the BITS transfer job to the current user.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the network cost states in which the transfer is allowed to be scheduled. The current cost state of the network is a bitmask that indicates the kinds of charges that would be incurred if a transfer was scheduled at this time. This cost state represents a bitmask; if the bit corresponding to the current network cost state is set, the transfer can be scheduled. If the bit corresponding to the current network cost state is not set, the transfer is ignored for scheduling purposes. You can submit any of the named values listed here, or add them together to provide a custom value.

Valid values for this parameter are:

  • Unrestricted (or unknown) : 0x00000001 : the cost state for this network is not known.

  • Capped : 0x00000002 : the cost state for this network is a capped plan, or a plan that has a data usage limit.

  • BelowCap : 0x00000004 : the cost state for this network is below the data plan cap.

  • NearCap : 0x00000008 : the cost state for this network is near the data plan cap.

  • OverCapCharged : 0x00000010 : the cost state for this network is above the data plan cap, and such usage is charged.

  • OverCapThrottled : 0x00000020 : the cost state for this network is above the data plan cap, and such usage is throttled.

  • UsageBased : 0x00000040 : the cost state for this network is charged based on usage.

  • Roaming : 0x00000080 : the cost state for this network incurs roaming charges.

The cost state also includes one option (IgnoreCongestion) and a set of standard policies (Uncosted, Standard, NoSurcharge, NotRoaming, and Always) which are combinations of the discrete bit values.

  • IgnoreCongestion : 0x80000000 : the job can be scheduled even if the network provider reports that the network is congested.

  • PolicyUnrestricted : 0x80000021 : the set of cost states that do not consume the quota of a capped plan, or incur extra charges.

  • Standard : 0x80000067 : a set of cost states suitable for moderate-priority transfers.

  • NoSurcharge : 0x8000006f : the set of cost states that incur no surcharge for use.

  • NotRoaming : 0x8000007f : the set of cost states that exclude the roaming state.

  • Always : 0x800000ff : the set of all cost states.

The default value is determined by a combination of job priority and group policy. If this value is not explicitly set, it can vary when job priority or current group policy are modified.

Accepted values:Always, BelowCap, Capped, IgnoreCongestion, NearCap, None, NoSurcharge, NotRoaming, OverCapCharged, OverCapThrottled, PolicyUnrestricted, Roaming, Standard, Unrestricted, UsageBased
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies that credentials stored in the Windows Credential Manager should be used for authentication when required for the specified target server type. If this parameter is not specified and a server requires authentication, then explicit credentials must be included by using the Credential or ProxyCredential parameters. This parameter is a flag parameter whose values can be added together to create the desired behavior.

Valid values for this parameter are:

  • None: Use only credentials provided by the Credential or ProxyCredential parameters. This is the default behavior if the parameter is not specified.

  • Proxy: Credentials stored in the Windows Credential Manager are used for authentication for any proxy server that requires authentication. If no credentials in the Windows Credential Manager match the proxy server needing authentication, then you must specify credentials by using the ProxyCredential parameter.

  • Server: This value is not supported and generates an error if specified.

Accepted values:None, Proxy, Server
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



This cmdlet accepts one or more BitsJob objects as input that populates the BitsJob parameter.



This cmdlet generates the BitsJob objects that are associated with the BITS transfer jobs that were modified.