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Council of EU Law Enforcement Protocol improves cross-border cooperation

Last March, the Council of the European Union announced the new EU Law Enforcement Emergency Response Protocol to address the growing problem of planning and coordinating between governments, agencies, and companies when cyberattacks occur across international boundaries. Remember well-known incidents such as NotPetya and WannaCry? They’re good examples of how cyberattacks can simultaneously impact organizations and other entities in two or more countries. This especially applies to multinational corporations since they have footprints in multiple jurisdictions.

In reading through the Protocol, a few key items are worth noting:

The improvements to the EU Law Enforcement Emergency Response Protocol are invaluable. By streamlining and strengthening their cross-border approaches, protocols, and ways of communicating, efforts to thwart attacks can begin immediately and proceed more effectively.

Preserving electronic evidence makes finding and punishing the perpetrators a priority. However, work still must be done on developing plans and protocols to mitigate damage to OT systems, and I hope they prioritize this focus for their next iteration.

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