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So if we use a point and print based windows print server to deploy printers to users/computers based on location AD location and all that, will this still work?WIll it be able to be simplified to not require drivers if all our printers are supported for WPP?Will we need a newer version of windows s...
Hi @SecPmCj thank you for your valueable article. Would you like to add words on nartac IIS crypt? It helps to understand Windows Server Crypto, cipher, orders and read and configure these. Of not limited to IIS but also Windows Server and Client in General and Server products such as Exchange Serve...
Sorry to hijack these comments but would like to ask the crowd here if they noticed these two phenomenon about Search-MailboxAuditLog, particularly in my case for Shared mailboxes, but I'm not sure that has any bearing on the issue. 1.) When you use Recover Deleted Items (i.e., items are in the Reco...
@Eric_Lawrence Thank you for the clarification and the excellent reference article. I had forgotten that strong naming and Authenticode are different things. I was not strong naming the assembly, only Authenticode signing which was definitely successful.
@Thehetz What steps specifically did you use to strong name the file? Strong Naming is a different sort of signature than Authenticode; you can Authenticode-sign binaries without Strong Naming them. (Fiddler does this, for example).