This article presents a series of videos illustrating the concepts associated with permissions, groups, categories, and RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure) used in Project Server. Links to the videos are included in each section below. We recommend that you view the videos in the order of presentation in this article, as each video builds on the concepts discussed in previous videos.
Note: These videos were created using Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. Though there have been some changes in Project Server 2010 and Project Server 2013, the basic functionality around how Project Server security works remains the same.
Which video do you want to view?
Video: Overview of permissions security
This video presents an overview of project security. View is first before viewing the other videos in this series.

Video: Permissions for security groups
This video explains groups in Project Server. Groups contain sets of users who have similar functionality needs. For example, every project manager in a particular division within your organization may need the same set of Project Server permissions, while executives or resource managers might have different needs.

Video: Permissions for security categories
This video explains categories in Project Server. Categories are collections of projects, resources, and views. Categories define the scope of the information accessible to a given user. A category is similar to a group in that it provides permissions to users.

Video: Resource Breakdown Structure
This video explains RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure) in Project Server. An RBS is a hierarchical security structure typically based on the management reporting structure of your organization. The RBS can be an important element in your Project Server security model when it is used to define the reporting relationships among users and projects in your organization.