Project Server 2013 class library and web service reference

Applies to: Project Server 2013

The class library and web service reference for Microsoft Project Server 2013 includes the public namespaces that are usable by third-party developers.

Web service namespaces have arbitrary names. For example, when you develop with the Project Server Interface (PSI) and create a reference to the Admin.svc service—or the Admin.asmx web service—you choose a namespace name for programmatic use such as WebSvcAdmin. Except for code samples, web service namespaces in the Project 2013 SDK are indicated in brackets, for example [Admin web service]. For a more detailed description of documented assemblies, namespaces, and web services of the PSI, see Project 2013 PSI reference overview.

The primary class in each web service includes the web methods that provide the functionality of that web service. Many of the web methods use or return DataSet objects that are defined by DataSet, DataTable, and DataRow classes in the same web service.

For developing applications that can have remote access to an online Project Web App installation, use the Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client namespace. The client-side object model (CSOM) can be used independently of the PSI services and other Project Server assemblies, for both Project Online and Project Server on-premises.





The event receivers are base classes for event handlers. This namespace also includes event argument classes for pre-events and post-events.


Includes utility classes, enumerations, and classes for internal use that support development with the PSI.


Includes classes for legacy Project Server workflow activities and workflow event handlers. For new Project Server 2013 workflows, use Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2013 or Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.WorkflowActivities.


Contains classes that define the CSOM for Project Server 2013. The ProjectContext class maintains the client-side context for development with a Project Web App instance.


The Admin primary class includes methods that support actions in the Project Server Administration page of Project Web App.


The Archive primary class includes methods for managing backup and restore of projects and other entities in Project Server.


The Calendar primary class includes methods that manage exceptions in enterprise calendars.


The CubeAdmin primary class includes methods that manage OLAP cube settings.


The CustomFields primary class includes methods that manage enterprise custom fields.


The Driver primary class includes methods that manage business strategy drivers and priorities for project portfolio analyses.


The Events primary class includes methods for managing Project Server event handler associations.


LoginForms is the only class. It includes the Login and Logoff methods for Forms authentication by Project Server.



The LoginWindows class is used only in multi-authentication (claims- and forms-based) environments for ASMX applications.

LoginWindows is the only class. It includes the Login and Logoff methods for Windows authentication in a multi-authentication environment. These methods are not necessary and do not work for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications, or for applications that run on Project Server installations that use only claims authentication.


The LookupTable primary class includes methods that manage lookup tables, multilanguage lookup tables, and their corresponding code masks.


The Notifications primary class includes methods that manage alert and reminder subscriptions.



The ObjectLinkProvider service is deprecated in Project Server 2013. For more information, see the Deprecated features section in What's new and what's out for developers in Project 2013.

The ObjectLinkProvider primary class includes methods that manage web objects and links for documents and list items on SharePoint sites.


The PortfolioAnalyses primary class includes methods that manage project dependencies and Optimizer and Planner solutions for portfolio analyses.


The Project primary class includes methods that manage projects.


The QueueSystem primary class includes methods that manage jobs submitted to the Project Server Queuing Service.


The Resource primary class includes methods that manage enterprise resources.


The ResourcePlan primary class includes methods that manage resource plans.


The Security primary class includes methods that manage security templates, security categories, and organizational and global permissions, and check user and group permissions.


The Statusing primary class includes methods that manage task status updates and assignments.


The TimeSheet primary class includes methods that manage timesheets, timesheet lines, non-working time, and timesheet approvals.


The Workflow primary class includes methods that manage Project Server workflows for demand management and project portfolio analyses.


The WssInterop primary class includes methods for managing project workspaces.

See also

Other resources

Project 2013 developer documentation

Project 2013 PSI reference overview