Microsoft Operations Manager
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 provides event-driven operations monitoring, performance tracking, security policy enforcement, and auditing capability.
The MOM software development kit (SDK) provides developers and administrators with information about extending and customizing MOM. The documentation includes information about creating MOM applications with the .NET Framework, creating custom reports, and connecting MOM to other management or help desk products.
The information in this SDK is primarily for users of MOM 2005. Reference topics will indicate whether a topic is applicable to earlier versions of MOM.
You can develop MOM applications using any programming language supported by the .NET Framework. MOM response scripts can be created in any ActiveX scripting language, such as VBScript, and JScript. Data access uses any technology compatible with Microsoft SQL Server™. Custom MOM reports are developed using SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.
This documentation is written for developers who want to create connectors between MOM and other management applications or applications that read or modify data through the MOM Management Server Class Library. This documentation is also for MOM users who need to create custom reporting applications or create response scripts.
The table of contents for the MOM SDK is organized into the following sections:
About MOM, which contains general information about MOM APIs and extensibility features.
Using MOM, which contains a procedural information about working with response scripts, managed code responses, connectors, and custom reports.
MOM Reference, which contains reference information for the MOM Management Server Class Library, reporting database schema, operations database SQL views, response scripting object model, and the MOM Connector Framework Class Libraries. This section also includes information about using tools included with the MOM product.
Microsoft Operations Manager Glossary, which contains technical terms used in the MOM documentation.