Questions tagged [azure]

Microsoft Azure is a Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service cloud computing platform. Use this tag for programming questions concerning Azure. General server help can be obtained at Super User or Server Fault.

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Hosting a Django application on azure app service

After following the official host python with postgres tutorial, and making modifications in my gh actions file because my django apps isn't present in the root on the repo, I get a 404 error when ...
ayitinya's user avatar
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Azure Static Web App with Git Actions [Git Actions error]

I'm trying to host my personal portfolio website with Azure Cloud(Static Web Actions) and I'm facing an error from Git Actions. my yaml file -
Pavlo Bondarenko's user avatar
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Azure Powershell to set failover Group secondary to standby mode

I have an Azure SQL Failover Group. I need to set the replica type to standby, using the Powershell module. I don't see a commandlet that lets me set the replica type (also called secondary type). I ...
Don Chambers's user avatar
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Azure Powershell converting `Set-AzureADApplication` to `Update-MgApplication`

I am in the process of converting Set-AzureADApplication to Update-MgApplication in my Azure Powershell code. I am using these commands to add permissions to my application in Azure. See my code below....
Harry's user avatar
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How to Run Azure DevOps pipeline on Databricks using Serverless cluster instead

I am writing an Azure Devops pipeline to run Unit Tests with nutter on Databricks. As described in the nutter documentation, this is the code to run the tests: nutter run /Shared/ $CLUSTER --recursive ...
Sergio Polimante's user avatar
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My MERN app will not deploy, tell me what im doing wrong?

I have tried multiple times to deploy MERN project and I keep running into issues. First it would run locally but not on a server. Now that i've tried setting up with Azure web app services - it says ...
Zach Whitsett's user avatar
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Multi-threading synchronization nature in Azure Data Factory

I apologize for maybe a confusing title, but I have a dilema that I would know how resolve when I was a Java software developer, but need help with when working in the Azure Data factory. I have a ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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Storage account not found. The selected service connection support storage account of arm type only

I’m trying to copy files to Azure files share using azure file copy task but facing below error Storage account not found. The selected service connection support storage account of arm type only Any ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Check If the SQL Table contains a value in Azure Data factory

I need to check if particular SQL database table contains variable currentID. Currently, I am running one lookup activity (name - GlobalIDs) to query the SQL table and retrieve the data. Output of the ...
rsram312's user avatar
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Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid. [Oauth 2.0 authorization server in API Management]

I have configured Oauth 2.0 authorization server in API Management with version v1 and also have Configured an API to use OAuth 2.0 user authorization. I could get the token after selecting ...
Panda's user avatar
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Subscription offer, Access to Azure Active Directory, is being deprecated

I've got an email from Microsoft: Your subscription offer, Access to Azure Active Directory, will be disabled on May 16, 2024 You’re receiving this email because you’re an account administrator of the ...
Milance's user avatar
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Sending Message to Azure Service Bus works locally, but not from service deployed on Azure AKS

The following code works to send the message(works even without ampq) to an Azure Service Bus Queue when I run my service locally but not from AKS. Code img TokenCredential? tokenCredential = null; ...
Daniel Chiang's user avatar
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How to use adf copy data pipeline for doing multiple tables at a time

From the solution of the following question: Copy data activity failing when entering the table name dynamically in sink dataset how to modify the pipeline for copying multiple tables at a time with ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Run SQL Stored Procedure to GET Data with Logic App

I am trying to create a C# program to call my Azure Logic app that calls a SQL Server stored procedure which grabs data from a table. I have my logic app working, I trigger it from the Azure side and ...
Owen's user avatar
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Socket IO Server on Ubuntu VM - ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

I am running a simple socketio nodejs app running on an azure vm (nginx). I can access the following link but cannot access this one wss://...
Kubi's user avatar
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Streaming response in ASP.NET Core 6 Web API working locally but not on Azure web app hosted on windows

I run a service as an Azure Web App. The problem is the response stream is not received as they are sent by the app, but come in large chunks. My assumption is it's due to response buffering. My ASP....
s_v's user avatar
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Bicep deployment never ends

I have a bicep deployment that never ends. This deployment is to setup an Azure SQL Failover Group. The first time I deploy it, it creates the failover group in about 1 minute. When I run it a second ...
Don Chambers's user avatar
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Add new parameters to Logic app ARM template

I have a logic app with parameters added using "Parameters" in Logic App Designer. This parameters, have default value, such as parameters of an ARM Template, but are defined in the ...
user3401335's user avatar
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Restsharp request to microsoft graph coming back unauthorized

I am attempting to access some graph items with a RestSharp request. I know I need to somehow use the client ID and secret to obtain a token and use that for authorization but an really new to all of ...
Brenda Lynn Anderson's user avatar
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Multiple Azure keyvaults linked to same App configuration lead to auth error in spring boot app

My configuration is the following: An Azure app configuration contains linked keyvalue references to 2 different keyvaults, each is linked to a section with a different prefix. A spring boot ...
Nardu's user avatar
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Terraform error: VM has reported a failure when processing extension

I am trying to run the Ansible conf Powershell file from GitHub on an Azure VM using Terraform, but I get the below error. Error message: Code="VMExtensionProvisioningError" Message="...
Norbert's user avatar
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unable to get the proper steps of doing the blob container copy data activity in ADF across two different subscriptions in same tenant

how to copy the fileshare data between the subscriptions of storage accounts - scenario given in description Using the same solution given from the above question I tried to implement for blob ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Azure ML Compute instance creation

We do have lot of ML compute instance running and every month we need to delete it and re-create it with same config. we are planning to create a script to perform this activity and then will schedule ...
Nivazz's user avatar
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Azure application gateway Whenever we want to do any maintenance in our application we want our visitors to see the maintenance page

Whenever we want to do any maintenance in our application we want our visitors to see the maintenance page instead of the actual error. There should be a mechanism (script) to turn this on and off ...
balaganesh's user avatar
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kubelogin on WSL Centos: sudo az aks install-cli: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_cffi_backend'

Trying to install az kubelogin on WSL Centos: sudo az aks install-cli --debug: az_command_data_logger: No module named '_cffi_backend' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/lib64/az/lib/...
Vadym Midav's user avatar
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Use parameters based on environments for logic app in VS code

I have a requirement where there are several logic apps created in azure portal, I need to move all of them to visual studio code which I have been doing by copying the workflow.json. So, here is what ...
Rlaks's user avatar
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Quartz.NET scheduler not working on Azure environment

I have created a SimpleSchedular using Quartz.Net in C# as below IJobDetail testjob = JobBuilder.Create<TestJob>() .WithIdentity("rrtestjob", "rrtestgroup1&...
Hunzla Ali's user avatar
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SQL Server Connection issues with Flask Web App

I have a python flask webapp and when the page is loading, connects to our SQL Server DB and saves certain tables as Panda data frames. This operation must happen as the page is loaded in. I am having ...
Ahad Anjum's user avatar
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No data shown in Applicaition Insights

I am trying to make a method to log my traces in some programs. But I struggle to get a connection to my Azure Application Insights and see the data I want to log. static void Main(string[] args) ...
Alex's user avatar
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Scaling a TimerTriggered azure Webjob

I've got an Azure Webjob running on a timertrigger that fires off a job every hour. Over time this job has grown to a 20 minute long multithreaded batched thing and now we're consuming a lot of our ...
Gareth's user avatar
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Error: Subnet "xxxx" in VNET "default" is missing a delegation to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms

I'm creating a functionapp with appservice plan through ARM template which is giving me error at subnet delegation. I have added the created delegation to assign it to the default subnet and still it ...
Nolan1513's user avatar
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FastAPI Stops working afterawhile and then reboots after multiple failed requests

I have deployed my FastAPI onto azure in a container, problem is after awhile I'm getting this error 2024-04-18T09:48:52.022078363Z: [INFO] fail: Middleware[0] 2024-04-18T09:48:52.022122364Z: [INFO] ...
Munashe Komichi's user avatar
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Custom Remote Function SAP connector in Azure Data Factory for multiple SAP Tables

I am trying to connect multiple SAP tables in ADF. I have a SAP table connector with dataset but I am not able to connect multiple tables with this. It is working for a single table without any error. ...
Ajax's user avatar
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How to check the availability zone used by a resource on Azure?

I have a Web App and a PostgresSQL flexible server running on Azure. When creating the Postgres server, the following option is provided: You can optionally specify an availability zone in which you ...
Fabien Snauwaert's user avatar
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Using an Azure Managed Identity from within Docker via Visual Studio Code

Running my web app without Docker (after doing az login from the command line) works like a charm. Running the web app with Docker, but using a username and password instead of a Managed Identity, ...
limitIntegral314's user avatar
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Backup request via API management API failing

I have a LogicApp running once a day to backup API management{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{...
dwhybrow's user avatar
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How to install managed dependency for example a Powershell module in Powershell based azure functions?

In Azure function app, we are able to install Az modules as default as it mentions in the requiremnts.psd1 file as shown in the below image by uncommenting , it will install the Az module enter image ...
Bony Cherian's user avatar
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Azure Policy check against a known list

I am looking to see if it's possible for Azure Policy to check against a known list (In this case a known list of CIDR ranges) - Had a quick google and nothing stands out. I'm looking to: If CIDR ...
Stuart.Sklinar's user avatar
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Accessing an Azure Web App running using Azure Container Registry

Using Azure Pipelines, I now have a Docker image in my Azure Container Registry. Let's say the registry is called myfirstregistry, the image is called myfirstimage, and the tag is "8" (which ...
limitIntegral314's user avatar
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Generate access token for Listing the users of the group using graph Explorer or Postman

I am just trying to explore Azure and Graph explorer, Want to post the web application and group with users using to read the users of group. I tried but getting an error of Insufficient privileges....
David 's user avatar
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Download PNG and MP3 files from Azure Blob Storage in python

please I would like to know if there are any best practices for downloading files (images, audios or others) from azure blob storage? At the moment I give my connection string every time to read/write ...
Lydia's user avatar
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Azure alerting for KQL query using Python

I could not able to create alert using Python code, Manually It got created Below is the code: from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.resource import ...
GoneCase123's user avatar
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API Manager OAuth server generates wrong audience claim

I have set up a backend-app, client-app and OAuth server in API Manager pretty much according to example. Currently the OAuth server and both app registrations are set up to use v2 endpoints. ...
Monsieur le Crucudil's user avatar
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Azure Function fails to start when in cloud

I have an Azure Function, which runs fine locally, when I deploy it to the Azure Portal, it complains that it encountered an "Error while loading functions - Encountered an error (...
Jakob Busk Sørensen's user avatar
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Copy fileshare data between the subscriptions - here the target subscription is in virtual network

I forgot to mention the key point in this question: how to copy the fileshare data between the subscriptions of storage accounts - scenario given in description Here the target subscription storage ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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Can't start debugging my ASP.NET MVC 5 web application in VS2022 due to error Role environment . FAILED TO INITIALIZE

I'm getting the role environment failed to initialize error when I start a debugging session in VS 2022. It doesn't happen every time I start to debug, but when it does it just hangs the session and I ...
Gary's user avatar
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How to fetch the key size of an azure key vault existing key?

I created a key in azure key vault programmatically using Java SDK. Response<KeyVaultKey> createKeyResponse = keyClient.createRsaKeyWithResponse(new CreateRsaKeyOptions(id) ...
Vishal Poddar's user avatar
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Unable to copy Disk Snapshot to Azure Blob storage 'CannotVerifyCopySource' Error

I am trying to copy my snapshot into a BLOB container on Azure but I am getting this error CannotVerifyCopySource Message Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information ...
progrAmmar's user avatar
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sandbox is unavailable since 3 days it says 'WE R WORKING ON RESOLVING THE ISSUE'

The sandbox for this module is currently unavailable. We're working to resolve this as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may be able to complete this module's exercises using your personal ...
Girish U's user avatar
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streamlit error: "Did not auto detect external IP" .. how to set .streamlit folder in a different location

I am trying to deploy a basic streamlit app in Azure. This is what I have in my """ # My first app Here's our first attempt at using data to create a table: """ ...
Sarah's user avatar
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