Retrieves the email notification channels that are defined in Service Manager.
Parameter Set: Default
Get-SCSMChannel [-ComputerName <String[]> ] [-Credential <PSCredential> ] [-SCSession <Connection[]> ] [ <CommonParameters>]
The Get-SCSMChannel cmdlet retrieves the email notification channels that are defined in Service Manager. The object returned includes the retry interval in seconds, the return address of the email, the status of the channel, and the list of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers.
Specifies the name of the computer on which the System Center Data Access service runs. The user account that is specified in the Credential parameter must have access rights to the specified computer.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
localhost |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies the credentials that this cmdlet uses to connect to the server on which the System Center Data Access service runs. The specified user account must have access rights to that server.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies an object that represents the session to a Service Manager management server.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
The output of this cmdlet is the SCSMChannel object that contains the SMTP settings for the email notification channel.
This command retrieves the settings for the email Notification channel.
PS C:\>Get-SCSMChannel
The first command retrieves the settings for the email notification channel, and then stores them in the $EmailChannel variable.
The second command uses standard dot syntax to display the ConfigruationSources property of $EmailChannel. The command uses Format-Table to format the results.
PS C:\>$EmailChannel = Get-SCSMChannel
PS C:\> $EmailChannel.ConfigurationSources | Format-Table -AtuoSize