This article lists the available updates for Microsoft Lync Server 2013, and specifies the applicability of the updates for each server role. The latest update for Lync Server 2013 was released in July 2022.
Improvements and fixes in the July 2022 update
5016483 PAI is removed in forwarded anonymous call (KB5016483)
Updates that are released for Lync Server 2013
KB 5010850 February 2022 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 Core Components
KB 5006895 September 2021 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1149 for Lync Server 2013, Core Components
KB 5003602 May 2021 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1144 for Lync Server 2013, Core Components
KB 5003603 May 2021 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1144 for Lync Server 2013, Web Components Server
KB 4564313 July 2020 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1134 for Lync Server 2013, Web Components Server
KB 4295706 July 2018 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1001 for Lync Server 2013, Conferencing Server
KB 4295711 July 2018 cumulative update 5.0.8308.1001 for a Lync Server 2013 Web Conferencing server
KB 4019182 July 2017 cumulative update 5.0.8308.992 for the Lync Server 2013, Mediation Server
KB 4019178 July 2017 cumulative update 5.0.8308.992 for Lync Server 2013, Persistent Chat
KB 3175335 August 2016 cumulative update 5.0.8308.965 for Lync Server 2013 Conferencing Attendant
KB 3148257 April 2016 cumulative update 5.0.8308.956 for Lync Server 2013, Shared Line Appearance
KB 3070408 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 XMPP Gateway
KB 3070407 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 XMPP Proxy
KB 3070405 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 Application Host
KB 3070403 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 Backup Service
KB 3070402 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 Core Management Server
KB 3070398 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013 Bandwidth Policy service
KB 3070396 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for the Lync Server 2013, Call Park service
KB 3070388 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for the Lync Server 2013 Audio Test service
KB 3070381 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013, Administrative Tools
KB 3070378 July 2015 cumulative update 5.0.8308.920 for Lync Server 2013, UCMA 3.0 Workflow APIs
KB 2967486 August 2014 cumulative update 5.0.8308.738 for Lync Server 2013 Note The update for Windows Fabric is applicable to Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition and Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition servers (Front End servers and Edge servers).
Improvements and fixes
Security fixes
The July 2022 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
KB5016714 Description of the security update for Skype for Business Server and Lync Server: July 12, 2022 (KB5016714)
The April 2022 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
KB 5012681 Description of the security update for Skype for Business Lync Server 2013: April 12, 2022 (KB5012681)
The February 2021 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
KB 5000675 Description of the security update for Skype for Business Server and Lync Server: February 9, 2021 (KB5000675)
KB 5000688 Description of the security update for Skype for Business Server and Lync Server: February 9, 2021 (KB5000688)
The September 2019 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
4515509 Fix for Lync Server 2013 information disclosure vulnerability
The June 2019 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
4506009 Fix for Lync Server 2013 and Lync Server 2010 Denial of Service Vulnerability
The July 2018 cumulative update for Lync Server 2013 contains the following security fixes:
4494279 Fix for Skype for Business 2015 and Lync Server 2013 spoofing vulnerability
Nonsecurity fixes
Improvements and fixes in the July 2022 update
5016483 P-Asserted-Identiy is removed in forwarded anonymous call
Improvements and fixes in the February 2022 update
Improvements and fixes in the September 2021 update
This cumulative update fixes the following issue:
Improvements and fixes in the May 2019 update
This cumulative update includes a defense-in-depth fix.
Improvements and fixes in the January 2019 update
This cumulative update includes a defense-in-depth fix, and it also fixes the following issues:
Installation methods
To install updates for a Lync Server 2013 installation that has had any of the following previous cumulative updates installed, follow steps 1 and 2:
September 2019 cumulative update (5.0.8308.1101)
June 2019 cumulative update (5.0.8308.1091)
January 2019 cumulative update (5.0.8308.1068)
July 2018 cumulative update (5.0.8308.1001)
July 2017 cumulative update (5.0.8308.992)
January 2017 cumulative update (5.0.8308.984)
November 2016 cumulative update (5.0.8308.974)
August 2016 cumulative update (5.0.8308.965)
April 2016 cumulative update (5.0.8308.956)
January 2016 cumulative update (5.0.8308.945)
December 2015 cumulative update (5.0.8308.941)
September 2015 cumulative update (5.0.8308.933)
July 2015 cumulative update (5.0.8308.920)
May 2015 cumulative update (5.0.8308.887)
February 2015 cumulative update (5.0.8308.871)
December 31, 2014 cumulative update (5.0.8308.866)
December 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.857)
November 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.834)
October 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.831)
September 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.815)
August 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.738)
January 2014, cumulative update (5.0.8308.577)
October 2013, cumulative update (5.0.8308.556)
July 2013, cumulative updates (5.0.8308.420)
February 2013, cumulative updates (5.0.8308.291)
To install updates for Lync Server 2013 RTM (5.0.8308.0) you must do steps 1-5.
Important Do not shut down or restart all Front End servers at the same time. This may cause problems when you start the services.
Note Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools require the latest version of the Default.TMX file that is included in each cumulative update to correctly decrypt logs files. In order to keep Lync Debugging Tools updated, locate the "C:\Program Files\common Files\Microsoft Lync sever 2013\Tracing" folder, and copy the Default.tmx and Default.xml files to the installation location of Lync Debugging Tools. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Debugging Tools\.
Step 1: Install the cumulative updates
Important To maintain a functional Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition pool, make sure that Ready is returned for the State value of the pool when you run the Get-CsPoolUpgradeReadinessState cmdlet, and that you have the appropriate number of Lync Server 2013 front-end servers running. To determine the State value of the pool before you apply the cumulative update, see the "Upgrade or Update Front End Servers" and "Planning for the Management of Front End Pools" sections of the following TechNet topics:
Upgrade or Update Front End Servers in Lync Server 2013
Topologies and Components for Front End Servers, Instant Messaging, and Presence in Lync Server 2013
The Cumulative Server Update Installer applies all updates for the appropriate server role in one operation. To use the Cumulative Server Update Installer, follow the steps in the following sections.
Note If User Account Control (UAC) is turned on, you must start the Cumulative Server Update Installer by using elevated permissions to make sure that all updates are installed correctly.
Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Pools
The front-end servers in an Enterprise Edition pool are organized into upgrade domains. These upgrade domains are subsets of front-end servers in the pool. Upgrade domains are created automatically by Topology Builder.
You must upgrade one upgrade domain at a time, and you must upgrade each front-end server in each upgrade domain. To do this, take one server in an upgrade domain offline, upgrade the server, and then restart it. Then, repeat this process for each server in the upgrade domain. Make sure that you record which upgrade domain and servers that you have upgraded.
Upgrade or update Front End servers
To upgrade Front End servers, follow these steps:
On a front-end server in a pool, run the following cmdlet:Microsoft Support. If this pool is paired with another front-end pool in a disaster recovery topology, you must fail over the pool to the backup pool, and then update these servers in this pool. For more information about how to fail over a pool, go to the following Microsoft website:
Get-CsPoolUpgradeReadinessState If the State value of the pool is Busy, wait for 10 minutes, and then try to run the Get-CsPoolUpgradeReadinessState cmdlet again. If you see Busy at least three consecutive times after you wait 10 minutes in between each attempt, or if you see any result of InsufficientActiveFrontEnds for the State value of the pool, there is an issue that affects the pool. If you cannot resolve this issue, you may have to contactFailing over a pool in Lync Server 2013 If the State value of the pool is Ready, go to step 2.
The Get-CsPoolUpgradeReadinessState cmdlet also returns information about the upgrade domains in the pool, and about which front-end servers are in each upgrade domain. If the ReadyforUpgrade value for the upgrade domain that contains the server that you want to upgrade is True, you can upgrade the server. To do this, you must follow these steps:
Stop new connections to the front-end servers by using the Stop-CsWindowsService -Graceful cmdlet.
Run the Cumulative Server Update Installer by using the UI or by using a command to upgrade the front-end servers that are associated with an upgrade domain.
Note If you upgrade or update front-end servers during scheduled server downtime, you can run the cmdlet in step 2 without the -Graceful parameter. More specifically, run the cmdlet as Stop-CsWindowsService. This action immediately shuts down services, and the server does not wait until each existing service request is fulfilled. Note The UI provides a clear indication of which updates are installed when you click Install Updates.To run the Installer, run the following command:
The following text describes parameters that you can use together with the LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe command:
The /silentmode switch applies all applicable updates in the background.
The /silentmode /forcereboot switch applies all applicable updates in the background, and then automatically restarts the server at the end of the installation process if this is necessary.
The /extractall switch extracts the updates from the installer and saves the updates in a subfolder that is named "Extracted" in the folder in which you ran the command.
Restart the server, and make sure that it is accepting new connections.
Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition and other roles
Run the Cumulative Server Update Installer by using the UI or by running a command line command to upgrade the front-end servers that are associated with an upgrade domain.
Note The UI provides a clear indication of which updates are installed when you click Install Updates. To run the Installer, run the following command:LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe
You can run the following parameters together with the LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe command:
The /silentmode/silentmode switch applies all applicable updates in the background.
The /silentmode/silentmode switch applies all applicable updates in the background, and then automatically restarts the server at the end of the installation process, if this is necessary.
The /extractall switch extracts the updates from the installer and saves the updates in a subfolder that is named "Extracted" in the folder in which you ran the command.
Restart the server if it is required by the installation wizard.
Step 2: Apply the back-end database updates
After you install the update for the Core Components server role on a Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition front-end server or on a Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition server, the updated SQL database files are dropped to the computer that has the Core Components server role installed. To apply the database changes, you have to run the applicable cmdlets that are described in step 2.
Note The -Update parameter is not required when you run the Install-CsDatabase cmdlet to update the Lync Server 2013 databases.Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition
Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn
In this command, <SE.FQDN> is a placeholder for the appropriate value.
You must run the cmdlet on the Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition server.
Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition
You must do several configuration operations, depending on the kind of Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition back-end servers that you are using.
If Persistent Chat is co-located (Persistent Chat front-end service and back-end database are running on the same server), you must run the following command together with the ExcludeCollocatedStores parameter.
If database mirroring is enabled for the back-end databases, we strongly recommended that you use the Invoke-CsDatabaseFailover -NewPrincipal Primary command, and then verify that the primary server is principal for all databases before you run the Install-CsDatabase cmdlet.
Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn
Note In this command, <FEBE.FQDN> is a placeholder for the appropriate value.
Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Databases
If Persistent Chat Services are located together with the SQL BE Databases, run the following command:
Install-CsDatabase -DatabaseType PersistentChat -SqlServerFqdn
In this command, <PChatBE.FQDN> and <DBInstance> are placeholders for the appropriate values.
Lync Server 2013 Monitoring/Archiving/Persistent Chat Databases
If Lync Server 2013 Monitoring/Archiving/Persistent Chat databases are deployed on standalone SQL databases, run the following command:
Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn
In this command, <SQLServer.FQDN> is a placeholder for the appropriate value.
Step 3: Apply the Central Management Database update
You do not have to update the Central Management Database in the following situations:
If the Central Management Store is located on a Lync Server 2010 Standard Edition Server or Enterprise pool, do not run the Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase command.
If the Central Management Store is homed on a Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition Server or Enterprise pool that was previously updated with the Lync Server 2013 February 2015 cumulative updates, do not run the Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase command.
After the Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Edition front-end server or the Lync Server 2013 Standard Edition Server back ends are updated, run the following command to update the Central Management Store:
Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn
In this command, <CMS.FQDN> and <DBInstanceName> are placeholders for the appropriate values.
In a coexistence environment that contains both Lync Server 2010 and Lync Server 2013 and in which the Central Management Service is located on a Lync Server 2010 pool, do not run the Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase command. If you later move the Central Management Service to a Lync Server 2013 pool, you have to run the Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase command to apply the changes.
Step 4: Enable the Mobility service
To enable the Mobility service, run the following cmdlet:
Step 5: Enable the Unified Communications Web API
To enable the Unified Communications Web API (UCWA), you must run the Bootstrapper.exe tool again on all Lync Server 2013 Director servers, Standard Edition servers, and Enterprise Edition front-end servers on which the web components are installed and updated. The command to run the tool is as follows:
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Deployment\Bootstrapper.exe
List of server roles and the updates that apply to them
Lync Server 2013 - Standard Edition server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Update for Front End Server and Edge Server (Standard or Enterprise edition server): KB 4458772
Update for Conferencing Server: KB 4295706
Update for Web Components Server: KB 4518344
Update for Web Conferencing Server: KB 4295711
Update for Mediation Server: KB 4019182
Update for Call Park Service: KB 3070396
Update for Backup Service: KB 3070403
Update for Central Management Server: KB 3070402
Update for Windows Fabric: KB 2967486
Update for Bandwidth Policy Service: KB 3070398
Update for Conferencing Attendant: KB 3070393
Update for Response Group Service: KB 4295707
Update for Conferencing Announcement: KB 3213741
Update for Administrative Tools: KB 3070381
Update for Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 Workflow APIs: KB 3070378
Update for Persistent Chat: KB 4019178
Update for XMPP Gateway: KB 3070408
Update for Application Host: KB 3070405
Update for Audio Test service: KB 3070388
Lync Server 2013 - Enterprise Edition - Front End server and Back End server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Update for Front End Server and Edge Server (Standard or Enterprise edition server): KB 4458772
Update for Conferencing Server: KB 4295706
Update for Web Components Server: KB 4518344
Update for Web Conferencing Server: KB 4295711
Update for Mediation Server: KB 4019182
Update for Call Park Service: KB 3070396
Update for Backup Service: KB 3070403
Update for Central Management Server: KB 3070402
Update for Windows Fabric: KB 2967486
Update for Bandwidth Policy Service: KB 3070398
Update for Conferencing Attendant: KB 3070393
Update for Response Group Service: KB 4295707
Update for Conferencing Announcement: KB 3213741
Update for Administrative Tools: KB 3070381
Update for Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 Workflow APIs: KB 3070378
Update for Persistent Chat: KB 4019178
Update for XMPP Gateway: KB 3070408
Update for Application Host: KB 3070405
Update for Audio Test service: KB 3070388
Lync Server 2013 - Edge server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Update for Front End Server and Edge Server (Standard or Enterprise edition server): KB 4458772
Update for Windows Fabric: KB 2967486
Update for Administrative Tools: KB 3070381
Update for Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 Workflow APIs: KB 3070378
Update for XMPP Proxy: KB 3070407
Update for Audio Test service: KB 3070388
Lync Server 2013 - standalone Mediation server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Update for Mediation Server: KB 4019182
Lync Server 2013 - Director server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Update for Front End Server and Edge Server (Standard or Enterprise edition server): KB 4458772
Update for Web Components Server: KB 4518344
Update for Windows Fabric: KB 2967486
Lync Server 2013 - Persistent Chat Front End server
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit: KB 4501392
Lync Server 2013 - Administration Tools
Update for Core Components: KB 5006895
See the general information about the standard terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates.