OnlineMediaManager class

Provides APIs for the management of one or more online media items.


public sealed class OnlineMediaManager
Public NotInheritable Class OnlineMediaManager
public ref class OnlineMediaManager sealed 


The OnlineMediaManager class has these types of members:

  • Methods


The OnlineMediaManager class has these methods. It also inherits methods from the Object class.

Method Description
CreatePicture Creates an OnlinePicture object with the specified RemoteId as a child of the online picture album with the specified Id.
CreatePictureAlbum Creates an OnlinePictureAlbum object with the specified RemoteId as a child of the online picture album with the specified Id.
CreatePictureAlbumQuery Creates a new instance of the OnlinePictureAlbumQueryResult class.
CreatePictureQuery Creates a new instance of the OnlinePictureQueryResult class.
CreateVideo Creates an OnlineVideo object with the specified RemoteId as a child of the online picture album with the specified Id.
CreateVideoQuery Creates a new instance of the OnlineVideoQueryResult class.
DeleteMediaItemAsync Deletes the provided online media item from the device.
DeletePictureAlbumAsync Deletes the provided online picture album from the device.
DeletePictureAlbumContentsAsync Deletes the contents of the provided online picture album from the device without deleting the album itself.
DeprovisionAsync Deregisters the calling app from system, deleting all previously created online media content.
GetPictureAlbumAsync Retrieves the online picture album with the specified Id from the device's store.
GetPictureAlbumByRemoteIdAsync Retrieves the online picture album with the specified RemoteId from the device's store.
GetPictureAsync Retrieves the online picture with the specified Id from the device's store.
GetPictureByRemoteIdAsync Retrieves the online picture with the specified RemoteId from the device's store.
GetRootPictureAlbumAsync Retrieves the OnlinePictureAlbum that is the root of the app's album hierarchy.
GetVideoAsync Retrieves the online video with the specified Id from the device's store.
GetVideoByRemoteIdAsync Retrieves the online video with the specified RemoteId from the device's store.
ProvisionAsync Registers the calling app with the system as participating in social online media.
RequestMediaManagerAsync Retrieves an instance of the OnlineMediaManager class.
SaveMediaItemAsync Saves the provided online media item to the device.
SaveMediaItemsAsync Saves the provided online media items to the device.
SavePictureAlbumAsync Saves the provided online picture album to the device.
SavePictureAlbumsAsync Saves the provided picture albums to the device.



Minimum supported client

None supported

Minimum supported server

None supported

Minimum supported phone

Windows Phone 8.1 [Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 apps only]


Windows.Phone.SocialInformation.OnlineMedia Windows::Phone::SocialInformation::OnlineMedia [C++]





